Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why most Business fail 1 out of 5 years?

1. No LLC, LLP, and Inc Companies protection of assets. (Limited Liability)
2. No patent or license on product idea (trademark or copyrights)
3. No team
4. No accountant (business financial statement/money management)
5. Bad investments (misread on financial statement, no cash flow or more liabilities then asset)

First reason is important to protect your assets because if you don't then you'd lose your business.  You will need to come up name of your company with LLC.  You can do it at! Best to use these states of Nevada and Delaware because they know how to protect your business assets. (Depending on legal issues) Buy LLC before you start up your Business will be your best decision.  Make sure you buy LLC each business you invest or develop.  If someone takes away one of your LLC business but you still have other LLC assets working for you is the least risk.

It's important to patent your product before anyone steal your valuable idea for business.  You can license and sell your idea to company to do it for you and you make royalties coming to you.

Team makes business successful with lawyer, accountant, ceo, managers, and employees.  Lawyers are important to use for business contracts, legal issues, and business asset protection.  Hire the right people who can help you the build a successful business.  Develop many incomes within the business gives a good cash flow reduces the risk fast.

Accountant keeps track of financial for the business to oversee financial statement.  Find the right business accountant who knows lot about tax advantages in business.  It's important to check your financials because if you don't follow your finances then your business fail.

When you look for investments to invest, you need to ask broker or seller of the owner for an financial statement to oversee the assets and liabilities.  Assets is when you profit money and Liabilities is what money is spent on like expenses, orders, rent, utitiles, and employees.  When you see asset making more then the liabilities does then you are making CASH FLOW INCOME!

Doing the 5 right reason will definitely be least risk running a business.  Successful business following these right reasons will pass 5 years better then business owners who failed under 5 years.  Repeat 5 reasons many times then you'd be onto financial freedom. More assets equals bigger cash flow income.

Thanks for reading...

Travis Brougham
Deaf Financial Intelligent

Friday, April 27, 2012

Here's my first post...  I want to share my knowledge of Financials.  It's important to know Financials to understand what financials can help you.  Here's the symbol of my favorite Financial Hero Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Quadrant.  Robert Kiyosaki wrote Best Selling Book called "Rich dad and Poor Dad".  Great Story on both Dads financial indifference.  He also wrote many Rich Dad Series where you were never taught financials in Schools.

On the Left Side, E "Employee" and S "Self Employed" on left side is working for the money.  Most Taxable

On the Right Side, B "Business Owner" and I "Investor" Money works for them.  Tax Advantages.

 I know you are confused but that's the system the Federal Government was set up.  Federal Government needs Business Owners/Investors with team to hire many employees as much as possible to keep America's economy stable and that's tax advantage. This is how Rich People understood the Cashflow Quadrant to see which financial side will help them greatly with tax advantages too.  Why not be on right side to have better financial future?

Thanks for reading...

Travis Brougham
Deaf Financial Intelligent